Sunday, 11 May 2014

Online RPG Thing: Shadowbrook Manor - Completed

Last year I ran Shadowbrook Manor as an online one-shot thing. I never wrote down what happened, but basically this:

The party oooh spoilers, more under the cut:
okay, so the party heads there, finds a secret entrance, goes through it. Get attacked in the library, one player gets ripped to shreds in the dining room, another one has his soul jammed into a cookie jar, the third one just legs it.

He returns with two of his friends (one who disappears during the night/break), then teams up with a random adventurer (new player). They go through the rest of the building, gets attacked by a brain in a jar that charms the fighter, who proceeds to nearly kill the cleric. The cleric falls unconscious, the jar is smashed, the spell breaks. Finally, being almost completely done, they head up and find a giant spider they decide to fight instead of run from. The spider bites the head of the cleric off and is then killed. The remaining two clear out the house, then return outside to find out that hey, we're not in Kansas any more. What's that huge city over there? Oh, that's Roanoke.

All in all, a decent evening. Good start on the campaign.

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