Thursday, 1 May 2014

Online Auctions

I can't visit eBay or similar sites (Yahoo Japan's auction site, for instance) without losing money. Or I guess it's more "spending" than "losing", since I actually get stuff. Japanese auctions are interesting; most people aren't really willing to send stuff internationally (kinda like American auctions, but with an added language barrier), so it usually ends up with me hiring a proxy service, which makes everything cost that much more.

My brief visit to eBay ended with me winning a Japanese dice set -- I was looking for d6 mainly, but I'm not one to say no to one of each. Besides, they were purdy. I ended up paying ~$3 for each, which is kinda expensive for dice, but what can you do about it, am I right? I also ran across, and just now won, The Book of Lairs 1 & 2, which ended up costing me ~30 bucks. I think that's a fair price? They'd be about $23 on Amazon, before adding on shipping (which definitely won't be $7). I don't really know what they're for, but inspiration is always nice, I guess.

I have one bookshelf left to assemble, for now, and after that I'll start comparing AD&D GM Companion to the AD&D GM Companion Manuscript. The manuscript was like, 300-400 pages I think? So they cut a lot of stuff, but the text in the published book is also really small, so it could be that they just squeezed everything in. If I find myself with absolutely nothing to do and a scanner at hand I might scan the thing too (not the book, of course), but don't count on it. Dunno what I'll do with it once I've listed differences. Maybe some collector will want it? Then again, not sure I want to sell it. Meh.

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