Friday, 22 November 2013

When Murderhobos Attack, part 2: Dealing with it.

Today we played some stuff. Gregor couldn't make it, but the group was instead joined by former tavern wench-cum-magic user Estonia, played by someone that has never in their entire life played an RPG before (except WoW).
Human Magic-User
Cha 11, Con 9, Dex 10, Int 13, Str 10, Wis 11
Spells: Read Magic, Summon, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic
When asked for a description, the player asked "so can I do whatever I want?" to which I said sure. So Estonia is 17, has purple hair, eyes that glow in the moonlight, and wears too much make-up.

Massive spoilers yadda yadda.

To get the new character into play ASAP, it was decided that the group had travelled to Denethix since they forgot the gunpowder, and stayed at The Wailing Claw inn, located on the Street of Lesser Men. During the discussion over breakfast, Estonia overhears them talking about needing barrels of gunpowder and since she knows Ott, the owner of a gunpowder store (this was decided by the player, I just went along with it because hey that works) could show them the way. "So, will you guys pay me to take you to the best gunsmith and gunpowder place in town?" They agreed, Estonia quit her job as a tavern wench on the spot.

Gregor seem to have left the inn sometime during the night. Quote from Dinah and Fenriz: "We'll have to hunt him down and silence him, I don't like people that betray me like that." so Gregor's player will have his hands full next time he's with us.

They get to the store, strikes a deal with Ott (Estonia gets a cut on each sale she brings in, apparently!) and purchases two barrels of gunpowder (they pay much more than what it's actually worth). Estonia and Fenriz (the thief) goes to buy a buckler but gets chased by slave traders that want Fenriz's body for their nefarious trade (Estonia goes free because she has a large, aggressive dog and also papers that proves that she's a free citizen), but the slave traders eventually gives up. Estonia is hired to drive the wagon with gunpowder to Chelmfordshire. "You'll get paid later."

Arrive, stay at the inn over the night (GM thought: some of the adventurers lodging in Chelmfordshire have taken an interest in them now, since they leave and return and are bringing back gunpowder?), make their way to the cave entrance. Still no bear, but they don't seem unduly worried. They store the gunpowder barrels in the Officer's Bathroom (room 6?) and start looking for the Sergeant and his two automatons. They find him (seriously, they walk through the entire level and don't get a single encounter), walk back with him and his two men after convincing him that it's finally time to kill the Abomination, pick up the gunpowder barrels and make their way to the Abomination's lair. At the reactor Dinah gets attacked by radioactive stirges and nearly falls off the ladder, but winds up hanging upside down. Dinah nearly gets eaten alive by stirges before they're all killed.

Arrive in the corridor before the lair, set up gunpowder barrels, taunt monster and run for it. Explosion kills Abomination neatly, but the loot is strewn all over, and nobody bothers trying to pick up small fragments of gold wire. Fenriz tries to open the chest guarded by two statues, but bolts as soon as they start to move. They make their way back to town after stripping the God Eye frame of stones and having found some stuff in the reactor room too. Still no bear.

Not much happened this time, but the Abomination obstacle has been dealt with so that's a huge thing. There was some roleplaying between Dinah and Estonia in the form of "You're not the boss of me!" and "Now listen here young lady, while I pay you I AM your mother." bickering. She said she had fun, but the lack of actual spells might be a bit of a turn-off.

Chances that campaign world will be fucked went from 10% to 90% on account of the Summon spell. That's fine. Whatever happens, happens.

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